Social Capital: 30-day series

Participating in a 30-day online art project supported by Artquest UK -- 30works30days (April 2020).  This is work for Day 2:


One artwork for each of the 30 days.  This would be the first time I will try this kind of production.  The link to my works for the project is here, updated with daily submissions. [Update 3: the project was up for viewing until May 4 and has now been archived].

This is for Day 4: 

Bayanihan: original packaging
(Bayanihan may be translated as working together toward a common goal)

Through this 30-day project, I join the many, many folks out there in their mini household productions of face masks while in community quarantine during this Covid-19 pandemic.  Face masks that are either for family use or for donation/to give away to those who need it.  This is the 3rd hand-sewn face mask I have produced.

Update 1:

top left: Miss a spot
top right: Soak first after use [hand-sewn face mask #2]
bottom left: Wash  [hand-sewn face mask #4]
bottom right: Iron for extra satisfaction

Update 2:

left: Curfew
middle: Curfew 2
right: Or stay home

[Day 27]  Face Mask Diplomacy

Pandemic Puzzle 2

Update 4: 

Friends from Bangkok-based artist-run space Buro57 featured 7 works from the Social Capital series in its social media channel from May 4 to May 21, 2020.

In its last post sharing the piece Pandemic Puzzle 2, the accompanying text read:

"This is the last from the series 'Social Capital' by Manila-based artist Mae Aguinaldo-Mapa.  In this iteration, we are invited to think about the recent additions to our collective vocabulary.  And what these inclusions represent in our everyday lives and near future.

For Aguinaldo-Mapa the series has different layers of meaning.  For one it is a personal exploration of impatience, boredom, anxiety, and even paranoia whilst in confinement.  Two, the instilling of mask-wearing as a routine practice.  Three, the sewing of masks to give away as a caring action.

As we venture to less restrictive measures the world over take care of each other."

Update 5:
Filipinas Heritage Library featured Pandemic Puzzle 2 as its Philippine COVID Archive entry of the week. Click here for the link.